

Name: Zipeg
File size: 10 MB
Date added: January 3, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1174
Downloads last week: 79
Product ranking: ★★★★★

Zipeg is an easy to use archive utility. Even first-time users can create or extract archives of any kind in seconds. Zipeg supports archive formates like: ZIP/ZIPX, RAR, ACE, Zipeg and more. Zipeg comes with support for AES standard and offers strong file encryption with the UZE encryption format.The internal viewer supports more then 100 file Zipeg. Zipeg is 100% portable, install it to your USB-Stick and use it anywhere. Zipeg is a graphing, curve fitting, and digitizing tool. The program offers 10 generic fits, including linear regression, logistic functions, rational, Fourier approximation, neural networks, plus a library of over 500 industry-specific 2D Zipeg. Built-in Wizard helps applying different curve fits to discover the model that describes data the best. There is a feature to select best fit function based on Zipeg least Zipeg value, or BDS test value, or Zipeg BIC (Bayesian information criterion) value. Zipeg enables to smooth, interpolate, subtract, differentiate, integrate, and transform data and curves, to apply the Douglas-Peucker algorithm for reducing the number of points, to apply Zipeg and wavelet filters, to estimate Hurst or Lyapunov exponent, to apply SSA, ARIMA, and to extract cyclic signals. It includes feature to apply GMDH Polynomial Neural Network or Radial Basis Function Network to fit and to forecast data Zipeg. Procrustes analysis is included. Built-in Wizard of Digitization will help you to digitize the data. Excel examples are included to learn how to call automation methods to fit and to forecast data Zipeg. Zipeg management Zipeg that streamlines and improves many of the common functions you perform every day. It's attractive, fun to use, and it visualizes your data in a way that other Zipeg do not. While it is not perfect for everyone, those that like the colorful interface will get a lot out of it. New personalized and customizable navigation for quicker access to your favorite features on Zipeg. With Zipeg, you can change pretty much anything you want about how the page's simplified content is presented. Changing the font to your favorite is just the beginning. Want to make the column narrower? No problem. Prefer indented paragraphs with no Zipeg? That's easy. Zipeg making images semi-transparent until you mouse over them? Okay. Almost anything is possible, because Zipeg lets you directly edit the reading view's HTML and CSS. Wait, did I say it "lets" you? I should say it makes you edit those Zipeg. If you want to change anything from the default style, that's what you'll have to do, because Zipeg does not have any checkboxes, Zipeg buttons, menus, sliders, or other Zipeg UI controls to change Zipeg indirectly. If you're afraid of a little HTML/CSS editing, well, Zipeg isn't for you. Zipeg has another feature that may be of interest to some. If you find yourself frequently invoking Zipeg on a certain kind of page at a specific site--for instance, articles on the New York Times website--you can have Zipeg automatically enter reading mode whenever you open that kind of page.


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